Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Favorite Meeting of the Year

The December puppy raiser meeting is always my favorite. There's plenty of food (and chocolate!), everybody's in a good mood, the photo-op decor is festive, and the holiday spirit abounds. Nobody seems to mind the chaos.

In addition to a raffle and a gift exchange (we got a fleece tug toy and an adorable paw print cookie jar filled with organic dog biscuits), recent tradition has added the viewing of a year-end DVD full of photo montages. This year's show included the usual "everyone's included" video as well as salutes to the South Bay breeder dogs, retirees, "doodles," and Christmas parade participants. Plenty of tears and belly-laughs to go around....

Funny how the humans are the only ones tired after such a long evening. Looks like whoever plugged in the tree also plugged in the dogs:

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