Thursday, May 15, 2008

Truman Swings at the House of Mouse

April 19, 2008 -- Since Truman had been on a couple of Disneyland trips during the day, I thought it was time to introduce him to night life at the Magic Kingdom. Every Saturday night (Fridays too, during the summer), there's swing dancing to a live band at Carnation Plaza.

It was a very crowded evening, and though he'd managed crowds well during the day, Truman seemed a bit stressed while navigating them after dark. Typical of the little man, however, he did very well as soon as we were at our destination and he had a chance to settle in.

When Truman wasn't tapping his toenails to the sounds of Stompy Jones, he was hanging out with his auntie Cathryn so I could do a little dancing myself.

1 comment:

Denise said...

don't you just love the swing dancing. I always swing by there to watch all the dancers.