Saturday, November 18, 2006

Please Mr. Postman

As most of you know, I'm in the middle of writing my novel. Or, rather, I'm past the middle of the month-long noveling adventure, and my word count is, let's say, not quite as past the middle as it should be, which is why I'm spending my Saturday night at home writing, instead of my usual activity...spending my Saturday night at home doing laundry. Hmm. I guess that's a story for my other blog.

Anyway, I was going a little bonkers and had to get out of my apartment, so I went to Chipotle to grab a power-noveling burrito. A woman behind the counter spied my Guide Dogs of America sweatshirt and asked if I was a trainer. After explaining the difference between "trainer" and "puppy raiser," I told her that while I unfortunately did not have a four-legged charge with me this evening, I used to bring my dog there all the time.

She smiled. "The Golden Lab, right?"

Smiling back, I didn't bother correcting her (YELLOW Lab -- say it loud: "I'm yellow and proud!"). "That's the one. Lomax. He's in formal training right now."

She gave me the sympathy face. It's funny how even people who don't know anything else about the program seem to know about this part.

What a great moment that was! On my way back out to the parking lot after much well-wishing on the part of this woman I don't recall ever having seen before, I thought to myself, wow. Either Lomax made a more memorable impression than I ever realized, or I have been eating too many burritos. And I found myself wondering how he's doing, and when (if?) I would receive my next "Postcard From the Moof."

Lo and behold, I checked the mail on my way back into the apartment:

Dear Mom,

Hi! My trainers tell me that I've completed my first set of tests wearing my harness! I got to guide my trainer while they were blindfolded the other day. It sure was fun!

I know I still have a lot to learn & soon we will learn to guide on stairs, elevators & even escalators!

We have fun when we're not working too. The kennel staff gives us bones and toys to play with. We also run & play in the grassy off-leash area!

Take care!

Wiggles & Wags,


You go, little man...keep up the good work!